Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Adventures in Vacationing Part 3 - Feel the Beat Within Your Heart

This is the third entry in the ongoing series to piece back the memories of one of the greatest vacations I have ever taken. As the Dixie Chicks sang back in 2001 "Some Days You Gotta Dance". A good one-man dance party in your living room after a bottle or two of the finest Target wines can do wonders for the soul. One-man dance parties have been keeping me sane for years.

At the party I attended on this last vacation, while the majority of the attendees were playing Rock Band and singing a collection of white folk songs I was only vaguely familiar with, I played for my friend V. the song that has taken up permanent residence in my heart for the past month. Young Money's "Bed Rock". There's just something about hearing the line "Call me Mr. Flintstone, I can make yo' bed rock" that brings an unbridled joy to my heart that rivals that of a child's when let loose at Toys 'R' Us. Every single time that song plays I can't help but sing along with the chorus. Whether I'm at home, in my car or at CVS Pharmacy picking up some Drano for the sink, any time that song is playing I am throwing my hands up and singing along.

My friend V.'s music choices differ from mine, so I took this opportunity to give her a taste of some of my own musical preferences. I am good at many things and have many accomplishments under my belt in my 29 years of age. Having good taste in music is not one of them. I have come to terms with this in the past few years and the Good Lord has taken my shame from me. I still have *Nsync on my iPod and know the dance moves to the Spice Girls' songs like we were back in 1995. I am ok with this.

I played for V. the Paradiso Girl's "Patron, Tequila" off my iPhone while we sat in the living room, each of us sharing an iPod earpiece. As we were both tipsy from our own tequila shots (Not Patron. We drank the good stuff from south of the border.) we started swaying to the music and throwing our hands up while still sitting down. By the time we got to the new Trina mixtape "Million Dollar Girl" we were not only standing but shaking our money makers harder than any video ho in one of Ludacris' latest hits. We'd time our 'drop it like it's hot's perfectly to make sure the shared earbuds did not fall out of each other's ears. We were the 2-Man Dance Party that all other 2-Man Dance Parties aspire to be.

Our friends pointed at us and I assume questioned what the devil we were doing as they couldn't hear what we were dancing to. I'm not exactly sure what they said as V. and I were too into the groove and I only vaguely noticed people were pointing and staring. Blame it on the alcohol or the beat within my heart but at that point I did not care what others thought.

That is the sign of a truly epic dance party.



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